As a CRM and Marketing Automation expert, the advice we give out most at W-Systems is that your CRM should be the anchor that ties together all the departments throughout your business. Whether we’re talking about software for marketing, accounting, or support, we believe it’s important to integrate all your systems. Here are some benefits to integrating your CRM to other departmental softwares, with added focus on Call Center platforms.
Leveraging Automation
Integrating your software platforms with your CRM will allow you to maximize automation across your company. From marketing, to sales, to accounting, to support, you can automate processes, customer communication, and manual tasks that employees have to complete as a prospect moves through the sales cycle of becoming a lead and then a customer. Integrating your CRM with your Call center platform allows you to automate dialing, nurturing, follow-up, and scheduling of meetings and tasks.
Reducing Organizational Silos
By integrating the platforms across your company, you can also reduce barriers that exist between departments. When these silos break down, you can improve customer experiences by creating smoother transitions as people move along their customer journey. There will be a new increased transparency across the company that will open up lines of communication, so that departments can retrieve the information they need without having to send an email or walk down the hall to ask a question. Integrating your CRM with your Call center platform allows your sales team to always be in the know about current support tickets and issues for their Accounts.
Improving Your View of the Customer Journey
Today, more and more companies are mapping out customer journeys. Often, each department has a different view of this and it may be segmented to only the processes they see. But the customer journey of a Lead is much different than that of a seasoned customer who contacts support often. By integrating CRM with other software platforms such as your call center, you create increased visibility into all parts of your customer’s journey, which allows you to better serve your customers and create room for improving customer service. The integration between call center and CRM platforms allows you to put the pre-customer journey together with the post-customer journey.
These benefits above are only the tip of the iceberg and are meant to hint at the endless possibilities when it comes to integrating your platform systems. If you have questions about integrating your platforms, reach out to W-Systems, leading SugarCRM consultant and implementer, here.
For more information on integrating your CRM with contact center software, check-out 3CLogic and W-Systems' recent webinar, "You May Not Know it but Your CRM is Begging for This".